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  • Guy Condorelli

Altro Whiterock and Epoxy Floor Pharma Facility Project

A pharmaceutical manufacturing facility was renovating a space in their 175,000 sq. ft. building and needed a hygienic wall panel system for a 2,700 sq. ft. clean storage area that would house portable pharmaceutical production and packaging equipment.

The owners contacted Altro for information on their wall systems and during their conversation mentioned they would be installing an epoxy floor in the renovated space. Altro referred them to SRI & Company for a total wall and flooring solution that would help the client avoid the typical problems and finger-pointing that often come with hiring multiple trades.

With SRI’s help, the client decided on Altro Whiterock for its hygienic properties, durability, and easy maintenance. We also assisted with epoxy flooring selection and discussed how the epoxy cove would be seamlessly integrated with the wall panel system for maximum performance and durability. The client selected white wall panels and light gray epoxy with white and light gray flakes.

Soon after the renovation started, SRI & Co. began installing the Altro Whiterock hygienic wall paneling system. This was followed by thorough floor preparation, moisture testing, and installation of the epoxy floors. During this time, other trades were able to access other areas under construction via a separate corridor to maintain the integrity of the clean space. Once our work was completed and the epoxy floors were fully cured, we covered the new floor system with Masonite to allow trades to access the area to install ceilings, lighting, and sprinkler heads in a timely manner.

The owner was pleased with SRI & Co.'s professionalism and the quality of our work and hired us to refinish the epoxy floors in several mechanical rooms and install new sheet vinyl flooring in a cafeteria.



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